What past visitors have had to say... (when the fucking thing is working....) - cheers, people.
"Mike Devlin" - August 1999 22:05:45 -0000
When the fuck are we gonna get quality programming like Podge & Rodge in the
states? Now that Erkel is gone, there's nothing worth
watching. And since I ain't gonna move to the
North Side (we got enough airports here, tanks),
somebody at RTE better get their ass in gear and export something besides
those shitty "Tis Himself" t-shirts.
Mike Devlin
Podge & Rodge & Zig & Zag lover
New Yawk City, MF
"tommy myginty" - Tue, 23 Feb 1999 22:05:45 -0000
" and did he give it a rub and the Bottle?"
"You Dublin 4 Ponse"
"I'm a mad Irish man in love with a Dutch Bird"
"Long live Podge and Rodge"
Paul Egan - 01/11/99 10:17:33
My Email: Comments:
Brill site. One of the best I've ever seen.
The soundfiles make life worth living.Watch out for RTE though!Paul
badbh - 01/11/99 10:17:33
My Email:badbh@yahoo.com Comments:
Podge and Rodge are great, feckless rogues though they are. We are all scuttering gobsheens.
Magluby - 01/03/99 15:14:54
My URL:http://www.clubi.ie/magluby/dftg
My Email:mg@cyberjunkie.com Comments:
scrotchum - 12/29/98 21:10:28
My Email:ballydung Comments:
this place is shite this place is shite this place is shite this place is shite this place is shite this place is shite
Dirty dying Fucker - 11/18/98 22:24:35
My URL:http://www.OOOHHH_.really/Ya think/your so smart
My Email:Fuck@off.ya_gobseen Comments:
WE have decided that we will make this our place of stay . You can be our special internet web driver Mr pot chamber
- 11/15/98 22:41:41
DP kelly - 11/12/98 21:08:23
My Email:Ask my tank Comments:
Hey murt I like the site.it is so cool I am frezzing.I better go home now because I am fecking tired and this E-mail system is so slow its fecking useless.
As you know this is my first time signing this book so I want the red carpet next time I meet you
See you whenever Murt
Pony Mahoney - 11/08/98 20:14:18
My Email:diodhkyhd@lasgkjhga Comments:
Nyeeaaaa, you may sort out your soundbites and your pages don't load up to well. Other than that..........
Gobdaw O'Toole - 11/07/98 00:13:48
My URL:http://golly.com
My Email:shitface@iol.ie Comments:
botman - 11/07/98 00:10:04
Fuckin' savage site man
Micky Ballsack - 11/03/98 19:17:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/pigzinzenweb
My Email:balrothery@yahoo.com Comments:
Great page!!!!!!
keep up the good Ya big feckless rouge ya!!!!!!
Pox.... - 11/02/98 12:54:05
My Email:rory_lawton@cbtsys.com Comments:
Have you made the tea?
Pox (again) - 11/02/98 12:53:39
My Email:rory_lawton@cbtsys.com Comments:
Have you made the tea?
Pox - 11/02/98 12:53:02
My Email:rory_lawton@cbtsys.com Comments:
Have you made the tea?
Craig - 10/31/98 14:37:31
My Email:craigoconnor@hotmail.com Comments:
Will you get that song they sang about not stickin' bangers up your arse that was on last night so I can download it.
Devil Duck - 10/30/98 10:49:27
My URL:http://www.ballybollok.com/the_push_it_inn/
My Email:godsheen@ballydung.ie Comments:
This is a totally crap site.
- 10/28/98 17:25:41
My Email:rgarrett@apcc.com Comments:
Away with ye leprechauns
Away with ye leprechauns
Away with ye leprechauns
Away with ye leprechauns
Bad Bunny - 10/25/98 01:44:12
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Darragh mc causland - 10/24/98 23:08:48
For the love of st durex and the holy contraception 'tis a disgrce that these two evil bastards are allowed to corrupt the Irish youth.
Stella - 10/14/98 23:34:42
My URL:http://www.iol.ie/~stella
My Email:stella@iol.ie Comments:
EXCELLENT Podge & Rodge page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *LOL*
Frank"Fifteen bellies"Hudison - 10/13/98 20:32:06
My URL:http://www.fishfingersfanclub.fish.cum
My Email:FranK@mailexcite.com Comments:
Yes I rather thought this was a jolly good site.
Plenty of "common peoples" humour.Jolly good old
chap...Keep up the tremendous work
Ronan Kelly - 10/09/98 10:35:08
My Email:ronankelly@pulseeng.com Comments:
Who is the shitehawk now !
Dirty fucker - 10/09/98 09:55:32
My URL:http://www.I'd_ride.any/women/with/a_heartbeat
My Email:neeeeehh@whats_your .name_again Comments:
Pull up your pants.
I think the page is to slow
There's not enough pictures
There is absoutly no toilet faclilities
I don't see any fire escapes
This isin't a website its webshite a haulting site even,heavens to mercatroid ,exit stage left.
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:30:24
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
yis are all aload of scutterin' gobshìn's!!!
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:29:36
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:29:34
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:29:27
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:29:25
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:29:25
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:29:22
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
pony mahoney - 10/07/98 13:29:20
My Email:nedoshea@hotmail.com Comments:
Barry McDonnell - 10/07/98 11:34:44
My Email:probaz@hotmail.com Comments:
I like waring womens underwear.
William Sratcher - 10/06/98 19:25:45
About fucking time this guestbook worked. I've been wanting to congratulate you for ages now. One problem though, why was there an add for the new Kiss album on the guestbook page?
Murt Chamber : rest assured, I had feck all to do with that Kiss add. It's the mandatory advertisement alternative to those annoying pop-up windows.
Scaldman - 10/01/98 12:49:45
My URL:http://www.whatthefuck.com
My Email:none@whatsoever Comments:
Tremendous stuff!! About time the boys got their spot on the net.
Shat - 07/29/98 21:28:23
This man, Mr Chamber, has Scatalogical tendensies... he eats copious amounts of scutter
He of the Dark Tongue - 07/28/98 22:00:43
HA HA I know who you are Mr Chamber!
Watch yer back ya scuttering gobsheen or the quare fella will be summoned
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